Announcing the New Maintenance and Development Lead for GeniePy

I am thrilled to announce that as of June 1, 2024, I, Hannes, have officially taken over the maintenance and development of GeniePy from Siddhant. GeniePy, a powerful Python template based on Reflex, allows for the rapid creation of sophisticated applications. With this transition, I aim to further enhance its capabilities and broaden its reach.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Siddhant

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Siddhant for his incredible work on GeniePy. His dedication and vision have laid a solid foundation, and it's an honor to continue building on what he has created. Thank you, Siddhant, for your hard work and commitment to this project.

Backed by sistemica and

In addition to my individual commitment, GeniePy will now benefit from the backing of my companies, sistemica and This collaboration will bring more resources and support to the project, ensuring steady growth and improvement.

Key Updates and Improvements

Our first major action has been to upgrade the libraries, particularly Reflex, to their latest versions. This ensures that GeniePy remains up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements.

Infrastructure Enhancements

  • Website Migration: We have successfully migrated the GeniePy website to Cloudflare, enhancing its performance and security.
  • Demo App Migration: We are also in the process of moving the demo application, built with Reflex, to Cloudflare. The frontend migration has been successful, and we are awaiting better Python support for the backend.

We’ve documented this process in a short blog post, which we will share soon. Additionally, we plan to release the GitHub Actions we used for this migration, should anyone be interested.

Future Plans

Our roadmap for GeniePy is ambitious and community-focused. Here are some key areas we will be working on:

  • UI Overhaul: We will revamp the demo page UI to make it more responsive and visually appealing. This includes adding standard pages such as Impressum and Data Privacy.
  • Stripe Integration: We are exploring the integration of a Stripe demo to showcase payment functionalities.
  • Auth Provider Flexibility: Our goal is to make authentication providers pluggable, giving users more options and flexibility.
  • General Improvements: We will continuously implement small but significant enhancements to maintain the boilerplate’s usefulness.

Community Feedback and Testimonials

We highly value feedback from our community and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with GeniePy. Your testimonials can greatly help us understand your needs and improve the project. Please reach out with any feedback or testimonials you’d like to share.

Our Vision

Our ultimate goal is to make GeniePy a valuable support tool for solo developers, not only helping them create their first MVPs but also enabling them to start and run their own businesses efficiently. By saving a lot of upfront time, GeniePy will empower developers to focus on innovation and growth, making their entrepreneurial journeys smoother and more successful. With your support and feedback, we believe GeniePy can become an indispensable tool for developers worldwide.

Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can make GeniePy even better!

Best regards,


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