v0.8.1 [8th July 2024]


  • Update to Reflex 0.5.4
  • Update dependencies.
    • certifi 2024.7.4
    • fastapi 0.111.0
    • openai 1.35.10
    • alembic 1.13.2
    • pydantic 2.8.2
    • langchain 0.2.6


This update focuses on updates to the newest versions of the dependencies. Also there was a security patch: Certifi 2024.07.04 removes root certificates from "GLOBALTRUST" from the root store. These are in the process of being removed from Mozilla's trust store.

v0.8.0 [17th June 2024]


  • Update to Reflex 0.5
    • This is a major update which replaces Chakra with Radix components (see official blog for more details)
  • Update dependencies
    • stripe 9.11.0
    • reflex 0.5.4
    • langchain 0.2.5
    • black 24.4.2
    • ruff 0.4.9
    • pytest 8.2.2
    • and some more


  • Updated Node.js setup script to version 20.x in Dockerfile


On the first run it might give a warning regarding Chakra to Radix migration - which dissapears with the next run.

v0.7.0 [17th February 2024]


  • Update to Reflex 0.3
    • Replace state.get_headers() with state.router.headers
    • Replace state.get_current_page() with state.router.page.params
    • Remove explicit AppState declaration
  • Replace direct SQLAlchemy usage with SQLModel
  • Update dependencies
    • reflex (0.3.10)
    • python-frontmatter (1.1.0)
    • python-dotenv (1.0.1)
    • openai (1.10.0)
    • langchain (0.1.7)
    • langchain-openai (0.0.6)

v0.6.0 [26th November 2023]


  • Enable LLM integration (OpenAI's GPT) using LangChain

v0.5.1 [5th November 2023]


  • Fix network console warning about Clerk logout modal
  • Add curl dependency in Dockerfile
  • Fix stripe listen call in poetry task definition
  • Update dependencies
    • stripe (6.7.0)
    • reflex (0.2.0)
    • black (23.10.1)
    • ruff (0.1.3)
    • pre-commit (3.5.0)
    • faker (19.12.0)

v0.5.0 [14th October 2023]


  • Replace direct alembic usage with reflex db
  • Updated Nginx deployment configuration to use updated /_event URL
  • Add more docstrings
  • Update dependencies
    • reflex (0.2.8)
    • black (23.9.1)
    • ruff (0.0.292)
    • isort (5.12.0)
    • pre-commit (3.4.0)
    • pytest (7.4.2)
    • pytest-env (1.0.1)
    • python-dateutil (2.8.2)
    • faker (19.6.2)

v0.4.0 [27th August 2023]


  • Improve responsiveness of landing page and blog pages

v0.3.2 [26th August 2023]


  • Move admin_dash initialization to App object from AppConfig
  • Update dependencies
    • alembic (1.11.3)
    • reflex (0.2.6)
    • aiocache (0.12.2)
    • ruff (0.0.286)
    • faker (19.3.1)

v0.3.1 [5th August 2023]


  • Add X-Forwarded-Proto headers to Nginx config


  • Replace invoke with poetry run task

v0.3.0 [20th July 2023]


  • Enable Tailwind CSS classes
  • Upgrade faker

v0.2.0 [14th July 2023]


  • Enable support for sending emails using Mailgun, Mailjet, and Sendgrid
  • Enable caching support using aiocache
  • Center main navigation bar
  • Increase landing page width

v0.1.0 [12th July 2023]


v23.06.01 [21st June 2023]


  • Add extra docstrings to HTTP endpoint classes, service functions, and tests
  • Move initialization hooks to separate module
  • Mark BlogPost as a Pydantic model
  • Add sample email template
  • Remove unused code
  • Bump dependencies
    • alembic (1.11.1)
    • ddtrace (1.13.3)
    • marko (2.0.0)
    • orjson (3.9.0)
    • pydantic (1.10.9)
    • redis (4.5.5)
    • sqladmin (0.12.0)
    • sqlalchemy (2.0.15)
    • sqlalchemy-utils (0.41.1)
    • starlette (0.28.0)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.186.3)


  • Replace flake8 with ruff
  • Update dependencies
    • faker (18.10.1)
    • pre-commit (3.3.3)
    • ruff (0.0.272)
    • typer (0.9.0)

v23.05.01 [7th May 2023]


  • Application dependency bumps
    • aiocache (0.12.1)
    • attrs (23.1.0)
    • ddtrace (1.12.0)
    • sqladmin (0.10.3)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.176.3)
    • stripe (5.4.0)
    • uvicorn (0.22.0)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • faker (18.6.2)
    • invoke (2.1.0)

v23.04.02 [23rd Apr 2023]


  • Application dependency bumps
    • alembic (1.10.3)
    • gcloud-aio-storage (8.2.0)
    • orjson (3.8.10)
    • psycopg2 (2.9.6)
    • redis (4.5.4)
    • sqlalchemy-utils (0.41.0)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.171.3)
    • uvicorn (0.21.1)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • pre-commit (3.2.2)
    • pytest (7.3.1)

v23.04.01 [9th Apr 2023]


  • Application dependency bumps
    • ddtrace (1.10.2)
    • orjson (3.8.9)
    • pydantic (1.10.7)
    • python-slugify (8.0.1)
    • redis (4.5.3)
    • sqladmin (0.10.1)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • black (23.3.0)
    • faker (18.3.1)
    • pre-commit (3.2.1)
    • pytest-asyncio (0.21.0)

v23.03.01 [26th Mar 2023]

This version contains breaking changes as compared to the previous version.


  • Use Auth0 for user management (registration, login, logout, forgot password)
  • Move Stripe subscription plans to database table
  • Use aiocache for caching
  • Numerous dependency bumps

v23.02.01 [05th Feb 2023]


  • Application dependency bumps
    • aiobotocore (2.4.2)
    • alembic (1.9.2)
    • ddtrace (1.7.2)
    • gcloud-aio-storage (8.0.0)
    • httpx (0.23.3)
    • marko (1.3.0)
    • orjson (3.8.5)
    • redis (4.4.2)
    • sentry-sdk (1.14.0)
    • sqlalchemy (1.4.46)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.151.2)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • black (22.12.0)
    • faker (15.3.4)
    • flake8 (6.0.0)
    • invoke (2.0.0)
    • isort (5.11.4)
    • pre-commit (2.21.0)
    • pytest (7.2.1)
    • pytest-asyncio (0.20.3)

v22.12.02 [18th Dec 2022]


  • Add Sitemap generation
  • Application dependency bumps
    • orjson (3.8.3)
    • redis (4.4.0)
    • sentry-sdk (1.11.0)
    • starlette (0.23.1)
    • starlette-context (0.3.5)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.151)
    • stripe (5.0.0)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • black (22.12.0)
    • faker (15.3.4)

v22.12.01 [4th Dec 2022]


  • Application dependency bumps
    • ddtrace (1.6.3)
    • httpx (0.23.1)
    • pytest-asyncio (0.20.2)
    • redis (4.3.5)
    • sqladmin (0.8.0)
    • sqlalchemy (1.4.44)
    • strawberry-graphql (0.142.2)
    • uvicorn (0.20.0)

v22.11.01 [6th Nov 2022]


  • Add GraphQL API support using Strawberry
  • Add SQLAlchemy Session Middleware for handling database session setup/teardown
  • Application dependency bumps
    • ddtrace (1.5.3)
    • orjson (3.8.1)
    • psycopg2 (2.9.5)
    • pytest (7.2.0)

v22.10.05 [30th Oct 2022]


  • Updated url_for function to return relative URLs instead of absolute one
  • Application dependency bumps
    • pytest-asyncio (0.20.1)
    • sentry-sdk (1.10.1)
    • uvicorn (0.19.0)

v22.10.04 [23rd Oct 2022]


  • Admin interface to edit database records easily
  • Add User.is_staff and User.is_admin columns to be able to decide who gets to make changes in the Admin and who doesn't
  • Application dependency bumps
    • ddtrace (1.5.2)
    • sqlalchemy (1.4.42)

v22.10.03 [16th Oct 2022]


  • Integrate Litestream support for SQLite database file replication
  • Enable health check URLs
  • Add .gitignore to ignore common files from git
  • Application dependency bumps
    • ddtrace (1.5.1)
    • psycopg2 (2.9.4)
    • sentry-sdk (1.9.10)
    • stripe (4.2.0)
  • Development dependency bumps
    • black (22.10.0)

v22.10.02 [9th Oct 2022]


  • Enabled support for SQLite
  • Add Redis caching support
  • Bump sentry-sdk to 1.9.9
  • Bump invoke to 1.7.3
  • Bump starlette to 0.21.0
  • Bump ddtrace to 1.5.0
  • Bump marko to 1.2.2

v22.10.01 [2nd Oct 2022]


  • Add password validation rules for new signups
  • Add docstrings to tests

v22.09.04 [25th Sep 2022]


  • Switch to Bootstrap CSS
  • Bump ddtrace to 1.4.5
  • Bump sqlalchemy to 1.4.41
  • Bump stripe to 4.1.0

v22.09.03 [18th Sep 2022]


  • Implement forgot password functionality
  • Design fixes for authentication pages
  • Bump black to 22.8.0
  • Bump pytest to 7.1.3
  • Bump sentry-sdk to 1.9.8
  • Bump ddtrace to 1.4.4


  • Add assertion for pytest to always connect to the test database

v22.09.02 [11th Sep 2022]


  • Add meta tags to blog post pages (SEO, Twitter card tags, and Open Graph tags)
  • Add canonical URLs to pages
  • Minor fixes and improvements
    • Simpler template rendering from HTTP endpoints
    • Improve Invoke server task definition

v22.09.01 [3rd Sep 2022]


  • Set up Markdown blog posts
  • Add error handlers for 404 and 500 error codes
  • Enable Dependabot for automated dependency updates
  • Bump ddtrace to 1.4.2
  • Bump uvicorn to 0.18.3


  • Switch to Invoke as local task runner

v22.08.01 [26th Aug 2022]


  • Move main application process outside of Docker for better debugging
  • Better landing page
  • Enable Datadog integration
  • Enable Plausible analytics integration
  • Bump SQLAlchemy to 1.4.40
  • Bump Sentry SDK to 1.9.5

v22.07.01 [31st July 2022]


  • Update to Python 3.10

v22.07.00 [26th July 2022]



v22.01.01 [30th Jan 2022]


  • Add setting for enabling HTTPS-only cookies


  • Enable --reload-dir on Uvicorn for faster local development
  • Fix file permissions inside Dockerfile


  • Deployment support for Heroku

v22.01.00 [15th Jan 2022]


  • Project foundational code based on Starlette
  • Database support using SQLAlchemy
  • Application settings using environment variables
  • User model definition for storing core user data
    • Email, hashed password, name, verification status, etc.
  • Stripe payments based on subscriptions
  • Authentication pages
    • Registration
    • Login / Logout
  • Settings pages
    • Edit profile information (first name, last name)
    • Password reset
    • Email reset (including address verification)
  • Websockets support
  • Email delivery, backed by following service providers:
  • File / Object Storage with support for following backends:
  • Error tracking using Sentry


  • CI configuration files (Gitlab CI & Github Actions)
  • Deployment configuration for Render
  • Deployment configuration for Fly.io


  • Docker-compose based development setup
  • Preview Email HTML content using /__dev/email-preview/